Sunday, January 22, 2012

sunday runs

Okay people. I know you're all dying for an update!

First up, I've lost ~5 pounds since the beginning of January, which is pretty much all of the encouragement I need to keep going. Some positive encouragement from friends has definitely kept me on track (especially my school friends, thanks guys!!).

That being said, I'm not doing so great on the run front. I only ran twice in the last week :(. I have a million and five excuses as to why I didn't run enough, but none of them are really good enough.

Here are a few of my excuses:

1) Talking about nursing boards and job interviews makes me want to throw up from anxiety about every 15 minutes.
2) I hate the treadmill.
3) I had a huge blister from my running shoes, which I also hate.
4) I was hungry when I got home from school most days.

And here are a few reasons why my excuses are terrible:

1) Running gives you endorphins, which make you happy. The day I was the most stressed out I ran for 3 miles and felt instantly better. And I had a lot of time to think about my decisions.
2) It was 20 degrees most days, and I dislike being sick more than I dislike the treadmill.
3) Put a bandaid on and suck it up. And then I bought new running shoes. Problem solved.
4) If I would run instead of eating, I'd feel a lot better about myself, and usually after I run I'm not as hungry.

I'm slightly behind on my pace to run 500 miles in 2012, but I'm not sweatin it. Check out that tab and leave a comment to keep me on track!

The MFP calorie counting thing IS going well, and I've logged my food for 22 days straight! yeah! That's some success in and of itself!


  1. Molly, I have a perfect reason for not running. I read that running breaks down the collagen in your face. Thats all I needed.
    Suggestion per Dr. Oz; get a pedometer if you don't already have one. Your goal should be 10,000 steps per day. Once you are in clinicals I bet you have that by noon.
    Keep up the good work girl!

  2. you go girl! i was going to mention to you the other day that I think you look like you lost weight! I'm super impressed and wish I had your determination. Someday it will click...hopefully.

  3. When I was training for my last 1/2 marathon.. (like 2 years ago) .. I had the same issue that by the time I got home, I'd be hungry & obviously tired... To try to combat my excuses I did two things.

    1: I brought a protein bar with me every day that was only to be eaten when I got in my car at the end of the day.. that way, it would have "settled" by the time I got home and changed, so I wouldn't get a side ache... and I'd no longer have the "hungry" excuse.
    2: When I was exhausted at the end of the day I'd compromise with myself... After bitching and moaning about how tired I was (usually this all took place in my mind) I would say, OK instead of running I'm just going to walk for 20 minutes (I really enjoy going for walks... obviously it's not as nice on a treadmill though, but still)... If I truly am so exhausted, and just can't mentally get into a run, then I would not at all be mad at myself, because that was the deal... but usually, I would walk the first 10 minutes... and then think.. "well, maybe I'll just run for the next 10 minutes.. maybe just a mile..." and then if I got to 20 minutes and felt like I wanted to keep going, I did.

    You always hear that running is 90% mental 10% physical.. I'm not sure it's that extreme, but it truly is a mind game.. and you have to learn how to cleverly manipulate the tired/hungry brain... the "just finished a workout" brain will thank you for your mental trickery :) Haha.. Reading this back I feel like it needs to be said that I promise I don't have multiple personalities!

    ALSO-- I used to really love running, it made me really happy..but if running is torture for you then I think you should find something that you love and do that at least 1x a week. (Swimming? Dancing?<-- I know you love dancing :), pilates?, racquet ball with your mom? etc.)

    1. It's not that it's's just torture getting back to the place where it's enjoyable and I feel incomplete without doing it. Now I just feel like I'm dying every step of the way...but I know it won't always be like that!
