Sunday, January 8, 2012

sunday runs

I have been wondering how I should keep everyone updated on my 'healthy living' progress, because I know you're all super interested (that's not total sarcasm, my last blog post got the most hits I've ever had!). I've decided on a couple of things. First up are "Sunday Runs" posts, which will be an overview of the week or a specific thing about exercise/dieting that stuck out for the week.

Second, as you may have noticed, I've added a tab at the top of the page called '500 miles' where I'm keeping a running log of how many miles I've ran this year (in case you haven't checked it out, I'm up to 9 miles so far!).

This weekend was a little rough--my mom's birthday was Friday so we went out to dinner AND to Coldstone Creamery (guys, I told you--such a vice). I made up for it yesterday by sticking to my allotted calories even though I didn't run, and then today I ran and felt so much better instantly.

I love running outside because I get so bored on the treadmill. It's okay if I have the TV on, but I would rather be outside. My mom told me it was "so nice!" outside when I woke up, so I threw on some warmish clothes and headed out. Um, I'm not sure what my mom's definition of "nice" is, but it isn't mine. My favorite running weather is overcast and about 60 degrees. Well it was overcast...but it was also spitting snow..SNOW..and was about 35 degrees. Needless to say, I ran a little faster and set my "best mile time" according to Paula Radcliffe on the Nike+ app. I know it's not actually my best time because my best time was actually 6:52 when I was in 7th grade, but I felt proud of myself for getting better. Seeing progress makes it so worth it!

Also, I'm blessed to live in a pretty part of our town...a mile away from my house is this view:

Not too shabby. It's really peaceful when it's empty of annoying boaters/drunk people and I feel like I can actually think when I'm over there running. At the risk of getting stalked I'm not going to say exactly where this is, but if you're ever looking for a gorgeous place to run, let me know and I'll let you know how to get there :).

Another source of motivation: I've lost 3 pounds since last Sunday! Woo hoo! After polling several people, I've decided just to weigh myself one day a week. I will get discouraged if I don't see enough progress, and I know weight fluctuates throughout the week (especially for females). I haven't decided if I'm going to make it Sunday or Monday yet, but after this week, I'm picking one day and sticking to it!

Hope everyone else's "healthy living" is going well!