Monday, January 30, 2012

strange but true facts

Do you ever stop to think about the qualities that make you you? I was thinking about this a lot this past weekend because I drove to St. Louis (and back!) so I had a solid 8 hours of thinking time. Dangerous when you're freaked out about a lot of things.

1) I think a lot about getting in car accidents. This stems from the fact that I got in a pretty bad one in Chicago one time (luckily everyone was fine, albeit sore and shaken up for days). It was pretty much all my fault, and I'm a much much MUCH more conscientious driver now than I was in my early driving days. I flinch every time the person in front of me even taps on their brakes.

2) Checking my email is like a nervous tick. Pretty self-explanatory. Replying to my emails? Not a nervous tick....

3) I'm terrified of deer. Terrified. Keep them far far far away from me.

4) I get irrationally excited about really little things...and those little things include using up post-it notes, pens, and the holy grail: chapstick. Just did that for the first time EVER today. Usually I lose it before I can use it all.

5) I don't really like much on TV, so I usually just watch Friends on DVD. I've watched the whole series through at least 5 times in the past 3 years.

6) I'm intense. There isn't a really good way to describe it otherwise. I'm lucky enough to have people in my life who get that, who appreciate it, and who love me anyway.

7) Silence is NOT golden. I can't sit in a room without the TV on or music playing. I can't fall asleep without something playing in the background. Harry Potter on tape is my weapon of choice for falling asleep. I don't even care if that makes me weird.

What makes you you??


  1. Totally agree with #1.

    I missed seeing you the other day:(

  2. oh my gosh- we are seriously kindred spirits :) Car accidents, deer (I seriously have nightmares while driving), emails, excitement over small things, intense (I'm not intense, right!?) :) Oh and I have to have noise to sleep.
    PS: What about knitting...we're in our 20s and love to knit...weird haha.

  3. Wow, #1 is all me too. Especially after my accident in February. I also think I watch too much Grey's Anatomy so I worry about anyone when I know they're traveling. :\
