Wednesday, December 14, 2011

instagram: the finals version

I remember about a year and a half ago when I rejoiced because I had just taken my last finals! ever! no more college finals! hooray!!

what. a. joke.

I somehow overlooked the fact that I was going to nursing school. And here we are again. Finals week.

I will admit that nursing finals compared to Mizzou biology finals are way, WAY easier. I am pretty sure there were a couple of classes at mizzou where I seriously contemplated "tripping" down the stairs in our apartment so I would spend finals in the hospital with a broken leg instead of sitting through 2 hours of Organic Chemistry and drawing pictures on my exam because I had no clue what the eff I was doing. I'm pretty sure o chem was more painful than a broken leg would be (granted, I've never broken a bone, so I could be wrong). Anyway, I survived organic (barely), so I know I can survive these two finals too.

That doesn't mean I want to study for them though. So instead, I bring you my instagram version of finals week. I'd rather take pictures of my study material than actually study it.

What a cute study buddy!

I know this isn't Instagram..but she's too cute not to include.
Essential writing utensils.

A 57 page study guide on the left and a 32 page study guide on the right.

Post-its to mark all of the topics.

Argyle socks and my favorite sweats

Getting in the holiday spirit with my favorite Christmas movies
A knitting project as a study break. 
To those of you who are studying for finals, good luck! I hope you're persevering.

To those of you who are not: I'm jealous.


  1. I'm jealous, as always, of your knitting. Good luck with finals!!

  2. oh my gosh- did I know you knit!?! Love it! I'm knitting a hat for my goddaughter right now. Then onto a scarf :) LOVE knitting!

  3. Haha! Lauren! Knitting party soon! Also--I'm like a 50 year old trapped in a 23 year old's body. It's sad.

  4. You can do it! I'm so glad those days are over for me :) So proud of you! And I LOVE Love Actually... and can't find my copy anywhere! :( Hope you're doing well otherwise!
