Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No Spend November

Perhaps you've heard of a little tradition called No Shave November that men boys think is sooo clever and I think is sooo disgusting? Well I do happen to think that the name is pretty clever, so I'm copying for that purpose only.

I have been on a spending TEAR this semester. Part of that was my iPad (still justified), part of it was my trip to Houston (well worth it, still need to blog about this), another part was a certain someone's bachelorette shindig (not complaining), but the rest of it has been complete nonsense (EXCEPT any trips to St. Louis. I would spend every last dime I had going to see Sam). I buy clothes like crazy, and attempt to justify it in terms of retail therapy. Believe me, this year I've definitely needed retail therapy, but not to the extent that I've taken it. Last weekend was the first time in like 6 months that I've been in J.Crew and walked out without buying anything. It's sick I tell you.

The other significant portion of my spending goes towards food/coffee. I love, love, love my Starbucks but paying $5 for a latte just isn't cutting it anymore. I also am super lazy and if there isn't food in the house, I just stop and get something on the way to school (or home), and that's not cutting it anymore either, especially w/ my BFF's wedding in just 6 months.

Therefore, I present to you, NO SPEND NOVEMBER*.

That's right. For the entire month (minus a few concessions), I will not be buying the following things:

1) Any type of fast food, food in a restaurant, food in a gas station, etc. If I'm driving to St. Louis, I'll be packing a lunch to take with me and eat. If I'm driving to KC from St. Louis...well, Sam, you better feed me.

2) Any Starbucks coffee. This is particularly difficult because I just got a text message an hour ago with picture proof that holiday cups are back and better than ever at sbux. Damn.

3) Clothing items that are not a necessity. This includes everything EXCEPT a winter coat. Because I do not have a winter coat and things have the potential to get a tad bit chilly here in Missouri in November. Also, I refuse to wear my high school letter jacket which despite being the warmest coat I've ever owned would be super tacky and I would rather walk through fire than ever have to wear that again. Even if it mean keeping me warm...although I guess the fire would do the trick..anyway.

4) Shoes and/or bags. The reason for this is three-fold. A) I do not have room for any more shoes and/or bags in my closet. B) I bought a coach bag last year and as of today have owned it one year, and it is in perfect condition and therefore I must keep using it. C) These count as clothing items.

5) Cosmetics. I have everything I need to last me for like 3 years, let alone the month of November.

6) Music/Movies. Glee's music blows this year so this shouldn't be hard. The movie rationale is for the fact that I need to remember that Christmas is coming and I already told my rents a bunch of blu-rays I wanted. I am still allowed to go to the movies because I will never, ever give this up. 

Now for the concessions.

1) A new collar for Bella. While not a necessity for me, it could be considered a necessity for her. Home girl is getting a little bit chunky and I don't want her to choke herself, plus where it used to be silver it's just now a gross white color and I can't stand to look at it anymore.

2) Black Friday. Anything goes on Black Friday IF IT IS FOR SOMEONE ELSE. I will allow myself to do some Christmas shopping. I will not be purchasing any clothing for myself. I will also be allowing myself Starbucks on this day because I need my caffeine on this day at least...otherwise I will punch a person in the face because there are some crazy people out there on BF.

3) MU v KU game. Obviously going with other people so I will not impose the freeze on them, plus if I'm at a football game for that long there's no way I won't be able to eat anything without going into a diabetic coma, and Arrowhead's new frisking policy makes sneaking in food way too hard. Don't you miss the good old days when your dad and aunt loaded up your winter coat with all kinds of food and "soda". I say soda because you know that's not what they were really sneaking in in their six year old's pockets. Role models!

That's it. Those 3 days I will allow myself to have some concessions. I am publishing this on my blog because I need to be held accountable for my actions. I realize this will mainly consist of Sam, but still. I need to learn to curb my spending now before I'm faced with the actual payment of my massive student loan from nursing school.

SO on that note...who's joining me!? :)

PS: Happy return of Glee!

*No Spend November was influenced by Allison at Smart and Sassy With Sprinkles and her September Spending Freeze, which I was not a part of because I just haaad to have my iPad. Ugh. Thanks for the fab idea Allison!


  1. Way to go! I'm watching :) I have been *trying* not to spend so much - like "no trips to Joann's for the next week" or "no unnecessary fabric for the rest of the month." Hasn't gone over well. But I think I'll sit down and make some resolutions and join you. I really want to save up to buy some nice things for home improvement. Stay tuned!

  2. I like it! An idea for you- whenever I need retail therapy. I find things in my closet I haven't worn in a while, take it to a consignment shop, and with the money I get...I buy something gently used, but new to me! That way no money is spent, but I still have a new selection.
