Friday, September 30, 2011

iPhone love.

You might remember that I'm doing my share to keep Apple afloat after Steve Jobs' retirement by buying every Apple product that exists. So far my favorite is still my computer, then my phone, and then my iPad. I think I'm just not efficient enough with the iPad yet to make it step above my iPhone. Also, the iPad doesn't place calls so it's not as great because it doesn't let me call Sam twelve times a day. Kidding. Kind of.

And while my iPhone frequently irritates me (I say "you stupid piece of fill-in-the-blank-phone" at least three times a day to it, mostly when I drop calls), it is pretty great for a lot of things.

First, it has officially replaced my iPod touch because my iPod touch will no longer charge.

Second, it syncs with my iCal so I don't forget things (except to go watch people try on wedding dresses).

Third, it takes pretty dece pictures, despite the fact that it's a phone.

This third point brings me to the reason why I'm writing this post. Instagram. If you have an iPhone and don't have Instagram, you're missing out. I love how simple it makes editing your pictures right after you've taken them, and the fact that you can instantly share them on Twitter or Facebook. I also adore the fact that they look like polaroids. Who decided 4x6 had to be the standard photo size?

Point and case:

The obnoxious garden that turned out to be fairly pretty in my parent's backyard.

it's love

love her.

As you may have noticed, I particulary enjoy using this overlay but they're all fantastic.

perfect for capturing those quick shots of food for my blog, or for tormenting Alden.

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