Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Dear 18-year-old me...

Remember how I told you I had epic (EPIC) writer's block lately?

Still have it. So I'm stealing a blog idea from another blog I frequent. She did hers at 16, but I think my 18 year old self needs to know a few more things.

Dear 18-year-old me...

...it's okay that your hair is brown. It looks better that color. Give up on any sort of blonde NOW.

...take advanced chem your senior year. Don't be lazy and take a study hall. While goofing around might be fun, retaking three different chemistry classes is NOT.

...Hollister is not where it's at.

...keep up your exercising like you're always, ALWAYS going to play soccer.

...in 2 years, you're going to go to Mizzou. You're going to love it and love the people you meet even more. Therefore, stop crying right now and get excited.

...don't drive to Chicago.

...don't resent the time you spend with your family. In a few short months, you'll wish you hadn't.

...when your dad tells you that you won't even be friends with half of these people in a few years, he's right. Listen to him. You're only actually friends with 3 of them. The rest are now acquaintances.

...you're doing a good job not giving in to peer pressure, but you don't do so hot after graduation. Withstand that pressure and you'll find yourself in a lot less trouble.

...your prom dress is pretty. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

...cherish your night drives with the windows down. You'll still remember them and the girls you danced with in the car.


23-year-old me.

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