Saturday, January 5, 2013


Oh hey, it's 2013 in case you've been living under a rock.

Or, in my case, you've been living at a hospital (working).

2012 was a pretty darn good year, if I do say so myself.

I graduated from nursing school, making it my second college degree within two years (yes I know I am a crazy person).

I passed my nursing boards on my first try only ten days after graduating, holllaaaa.

I went wayyyy out of my comfort zone and moved across the state away from all of my family and most of my friends for a boy.

I drove with said boy a total of 24 hours round trip to watch one of my best friends in the world make her way down the aisle, and along the way we made some new friends (some new best friends) and strengthened some old friendships.

Oh yes, and I did the previous four items in a matter of 3 weeks. 

I started a new job in one of the best children's hospitals in the entire country.

I went to 5 other weddings, and fortunately no funerals.

And I also turned 25.

I was joking around with my brother when I was at home a few weeks ago and I said "I AM TURNING 25 AND I HAVEN'T EVEN ACCOMPLISHED ANYTHING WITH MY LIFE!" to which he replied "What did you want to accomplish that you haven't?". I said "Marriage (of course), my first child, traveling through Europe (or just leaving the US), etc."

And he gave me a little perspective... "Yeah, but you have two college degrees and a pretty baller job." and I also have a great boyfriend, fabulous friends who I love so much, and an amazing family. Pretty awesome accomplishments for a 25 year old, if I do say so myself.

I'm convinced that 2013 will only get better. Here are some things that I'd like to accomplish:

  • End the year healthier than I started it (check out this page to follow my progress!).
  • Set a budget and stick to it.
  • Pare down my belongings.
  • Spend more time outdoors.
  • Read more.
  • Make at least 5 new friends in this city.
What are you hoping to accomplish in 2013?

1 comment:

  1. You should use for your budgeting. JJ uses and loves it!
