Wednesday, December 26, 2012

it's the little things.

I've been trying to focus on the little things in my life lately, because I've found if I focus too much on the big things, I go to a weird place that isn't pleasant for me or those around me (think bugging your boyfriend about the fact that you want to get engaged, want a house so your dog can come back to live with you, etc..). While the big things in life are really great (obviously, or they wouldn't be big things), the little things can be pretty great as well.

Here are some of the little things that I've been loving as of late:

Our beautiful, simple Christmas tree. We didn't go all out on the ornaments this year, mainly because we don't have very many, but I honestly kind of liked it. Sam and I spent the last month just sitting in the dark with only our tree lights on...and it was glorious.

The fact that Sam's desk houses a picture of Bella, and that the last time I was in KC he asked me to send him a picture of our dogs. Adorable.

A well stocked pantry. This is something a lot of people would be grateful for, and I need to remember that.

Beautiful flowers.

A nifty trick I learned on Pinterest...Stick your candle in the fridge for a few minutes...

 And then the wax pops right out of the candle holder!

Another Pinterest trick my mom found: mix Dawn dish soap and white vinegar together in equal parts to scrub your shower with. This is amazing!

Christmas lights, Christmas lights, Christmas lights. 

These sheets from Target are genius and they tell you which edge of the sheet is supposed to be at the foot of the bed. Thank you again, Target.

Sam gave me this as one of my "stocking stuffers". Combining two of my favorite things: Starbucks coffee and ice cream. I'm not sure why people use drugs when something like this exists. Plus, how amazing is it that Sam knows it's one of my favorite ice creams (Please, you know I can't just choose one!)? 

What sort of simple things are you enjoying in your life these days?


  1. I had this same realization not long ago that I tend to let the big picture, long term goals and struggles stress me out and bog me down. So, I've been trying to pay more attention and appreciate the little things. During my ten hour ride home from Colorado with Adam and Cruiser, we were all just silently riding, listening to music, and enjoying the scenery out the windows and I had this odd sense of calm happiness come over me. I thought to myself that those two guys are great men and I'm lucky to have them in my life and moments like that are what make life so great.

    The little things I've enjoyed lately include: getting to spend another Christmas with my grandparents (they're my world and I can't imagine life without them), my keurig, my incredibly impatient and impulsive boyfriend being so patient and supportive while teaching me to snowboard, the fact that my puppies love me so much they want to be around me constantly even if that means they're always under my feet or laying outside the bathroom while I shower, having the opportunity to pursue my dream career, warm sheets fresh out of the dryer, huge bowls of cereal, people saying thank you when I hold the door open for them, and rice Krispy treats.

  2. Those target sheets are amazing!!! I'm going to have get some asap. Miss you!
