Tuesday, April 12, 2011

love & other drugs

I'm a huge fan of redbox. HUGE fan. The only issue I have is though I like to say that I'm really on top of things, sometimes I forget to return the movies for a night..or two.. or six (like I did last week with the Fighter, and I never even watched it).

Anyway, almost every time I go to Schnucks, I rent a movie from redbox.

On the agenda for tonight: Love & Other Drugs starring Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal. Anne Hathaway is arguably my favorite actress (I also have a soft spot for Jennifer Aniston). I've never been a huge fan of either of the Gyllenhaal sibs, but after this movie, Jake is on my good side. He and Anne have amazing chemistry together, and I would definitely watch this one again. Another upside: Beck's song Strange Invitation plays during the climax, and I love that song, and it is quickly followed by Regina Spektor's Fidelity, which is equally as fantastic.

I'm not good at describing movies without giving away the major plot, so I'm going to forgo that. Instead, I'll leave you with my favorite line:

Sometimes the things you want the most don't happen and what you least expect happens. I don't know - you meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet one person and your life is changed forever.

Okay I couldn't pick just one.. because after I typed that, Jake's character says this little gem:

I've never known anyone who actually believed that I was enough until I met you. And then you made me believe it too.

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