Friday, April 15, 2011

15 Facts

I normally despise things like this, but since my beautiful friend asked so nicely, I'll play along :)

1. I hate drinking anything (besides milk) without ice in it.
2. If I have fingernail polish on, I will chip it off within one week.
3. My biggest fear in the world is a deer. I can't stand them.
4. I don't like people who see the world in black and white. There are so many shades of gray, people!
5. Speaking of the word gray, I alternate the spelling every time I use it (gray/grey).
6. I'm currently 4 months in on Project Life (by Becky Higgins), where you take a picture a day and then journal about it. I truly believe it's making me a better photographer.
7. The two most expensive things I've ever bought for myself are my computer and my camera, and they are what I would grab first in case of a fire.
8. I get a headache at least 3 times a week, usually every day in the spring and fall.
9. I can't wait to be a nurse, because I think I'll actually be really good at it.
10. I'm secretly glad I didn't have a sister. I love my brothers and they never got into any of my stuff.
11. I think #10 has fostered my dislike of most other females.
12. I set my alarm for 30 minutes before I actually have to get up so I can hit snooze 5 times.
13. I have never reached a weight loss goal that I've set for myself. That changes now.
14. I think cherry coke zero is almost better than regular coke. Almost.
15. I  find an inordinate amount of pleasure at running out of things.. like ink in pens, using the last of a stack of post-it notes, throwing away a shampoo bottle...if I do run out of something, no matter how bad the day has been, it will always end on a good note :).

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