Thursday, April 11, 2013

this is happening!!

So a few weeks ago I mentioned I was thinking of starting a little side business...and it's happening!

That's right, I opened up an Etsy shop!

I honestly just really love doing things like this because it's a great outlet for any stress that I get during my real job (which if you're aware of where I work & what I do, you totally get it...if not, assume it's stressful). I don't really care how much money I make doing it, hence the reason that items in my shop are priced far lower than other things I've seen on Etsy. I've also started a new tab up at the top of my blog so that you can see examples of other wreaths that I've customized for people.

For example:

I have visions of baby announcements and house numbers and all sorts of fun things to make these suitable for all occasions!

Anyway--pass along the message and check out what else I've been up to!

PS: If you have ANY suggestions for me, that would be fabulous!