Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Pitfall of Pinterest.

I have discovered something terrible about Pinterest.

Yes, it is a source of spectacular ideas for crafting, cooking, and clothing. I love being able to store ideas there for my make-believe wedding and make-believe children. I also like being able to share these ideas (and more) with my closest friends (plus thousands of strangers).

What I do NOT like?

Is that you find the perfect, perfect dress for your best friend's wedding:

And it sells out online in 2 days before you get to buy it. Okay it's a new arrival, so I KNOW that's not this issue. They aren't even carrying it in stores yet (I know, I've called 3 times to my local Loft)!

So why do I blame Pinterest?

Because I pinned this dress to show aforementioned best friend, and it was repinned 5 times in about 5 minutes. And that's just from my pin! Who knows how many times others repinned that from those 5 pinners. If you assume 5 more people pinned 5 times, then that's 25 times. And if each of those 25 people had it pinned 5 times...okay you get my drift.

The purpose of this post is twofold.

1) If you happen to be in your local Loft store and SEE THIS DRESS, contact me ASAP (I'm assuming most of my readers have my phone number, but if some reason you don't, you can email me). I'm not kidding. I once made Sara go to an Anthropologie in Texas to look for a dress I wanted. That was another pinning disaster, I'm certain.

2) To warn you of the dangers of Pinterest. I've warned you, so you must decide if you wish to continue pinning and run the risk of these strangers buying the dress that you just know is perfect. I of course will continue to take that risk, because even though I'm irritated I love Pinterest far too much to quit.


  1. Call Loft and ask that they put it on hold for you when it comes in. I used to manage at AT and we did it all the time.

  2. Haha - that IS a pitfall of pinterest! I might be going to Loft today so I will let you know if I see that dress!

  3. I found an Old Navy dress I adored but it was gone too :( such a tease!
