Tuesday, May 24, 2011

inspiration for organization

This earring holder is something I borrowed from Smart and Sassy with Sprinkles. It was super easy to make with some mesh craft wire super glued to the back of an old picture frame. I put earrings with studs on it too because it's easy to take on and off the wall.

 Also sort of from the same blog...Allison's is a lot cuter, and I have plans to upgrade some day when school isn't kicking my butt. I am also planning on putting push pins in the map as a guide of "places I want to go" kind of thing. On the far left are all of my hair accessories, and then obviously I just used push pins to hang my necklaces on all the way across. A little tacky, but functional!

 This is the top shelf of my armoire. I was having trouble fitting everything, so I added a black shelf I found in the kitchen aisle at Wal-Mart for $2 a few years ago.
 The top shelf hold all of my fancy jewelry with another little cube for medicine and candy (now that I live with my brothers, I have to get creative about hiding things for my sweet tooth).
My jewelry chest has all of my childhood jewelry...rings I've outgrown, but can't bear to get rid of.
I also stacked some childhood jewelry boxes that I will never be able to part with on top of it. 
The tray in the middle has a couple of bowls holding bracelets, which wouldn't stay on the push pins, and then all of my sunglasses/rings etc.
This is my "desk"...I don't have space in my room for a desk, so I'm making do with what I do have room for.

This, however, wasn't working. as you can see, it was super full and I couldn't find ANYTHING when I needed it.

I found 4 more pairs of scissors after this picture was taken.
Loooove my permanent marker collection :)

This is an old Fossil watch tin masquerading as a binder clip holder.

I'm sort of out of control with post-it notes. I am not allowed to buy them anymore.

Finished product!

And here is my desk. The other drawer has electronics (cords, old ipods/cellphones, etc) but it is NOT organized so that'll have to be saved for another day!
The end. I hope I provide you guys with a little inspiration just like Cortney and Megan did for me! :)

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I too found an equal amount of post-its, highlighters, pens, permanent markers, scissors, and tape while cleaning out drawers.
