Friday, March 15, 2013

new york, new york (part 2)

Saturday started with a trip to Grand Central Terminal, which was few blocks away from our hotel. It was so gorgeous, and my picture doesn't do it justice (not even close).

We grabbed breakfast then took the subway down the the Greenwich Village area for S's final bridal appointment. The area near her appointment had several cute fair trade type stores and I even found a hole-in-the-wall bookstore that carried signed books (found a souvenir for Sam there!).

S's last bridal appointment was at a little bridal salon called Lovely.  I just happened upon it online by googling "new york city wedding dresses" and let me tell you all--this was such a find! All of their dresses were unique and so fun, the salon was adorable, and the sales staff was so friendly.

Here is a little glimpse of the store...

S just happened to get the biggest fitting room, which was the size of my living room and had some of the cutest decor ever.
I can't show a picture of her dress on here, because there are nosy fiances who may happen to read this blog, but it's gorgeous and will look amazing on her. I know they were also very helpful as far as getting her dress to Texas once it arrives at the store.

After her last appointment, we went to brunch at this little cafe called The Spotted Pig...
Do you spot the Spotted Pig?

...then headed back to Times Square to buy some theater tickets! Some of the shows we wanted to see didn't have seats together, so we decided on Mamma Mia!

S does not like the creepy Statue of Liberty man.
Since it was only around 4:45, we decided we had enough time to check out Central Park before the sunset. This was one area of NY I didn't get to explore when I was there the first time, and I didn't get to see much of it this time, so I'm going to have to put it on my list again for next time.

 I normally hate it when people take pictures of themselves, but I mean c'mon. I was in Central Park.

After the park we grabbed a quick dinner then headed back down to see the show. 

And mostly because I don't want my ticket stub to be the last picture you see of my NY trip, here is a sunset picture from Central Park.

Until next time, NYC.

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