Saturday, September 8, 2012

so what...

...if I'd rather watch ABC Family because The Princess Diaries is on instead of watching the Mizzou-Georgia game?

...if I admit to actually watching The Princess Diaries quite frequently? 

...if I had a long to-do list for my first day off in a very long time and instead I watched Sweet Home Alabama and then read one blog (Rockstar Ronan) for 4 hours and bawled my eyes out?

...if I instantly judged the guy at the grocery store from a local med school because he was wearing his white coat at 8:45 in the morning? Dude, you're not impressing ANYONE in this grocery store right now. In fact, you probably just made yourself a target.

...if I made a cake when I knew I'd be the only one home today?

...if I don't love my job every. single. day?

...if I cried last night because Sam burnt my grilled cheese? (I did, and it was totally irrational, and even while it was happening I thought to myself, you're lucky you have someone who will make you dinner at 9:00 when you're exhausted and grumpy and won't even tell him what you want).

...if I make up reasons to go to Target because it has the closest Starbucks to our apartment?

1 comment:

  1. No one is judging you :) Thank you so much for the outfits - I can't wait for him to GROW into them! The football one is precious. You are so thoughtful!
