Friday, March 29, 2013

dear friday letters

Dear Friday,
This week I'm glad you're here. Even though it means that today my mom already had to leave.

Dear Weather,
Thanks for cooperating so my mom got to come visit me. I appreciated it.

Dear St. Louis,
Thanks for having a pretty sweet used bookstore scene. I'm learning more & more about the things you have to offer, and I guess you're okay.

Dear Sam,
Stop stealing my covers. I wake up freezing every day.

Dear Etsy,
Help me figure out how to sell my wreaths on you.

Dear Hospital, 
It was a rough one this week. Let's get along better next week, capice?  

Dear Coach, 
You have cute sunglasses and a $50 gift card suckered me in. These better last my entire life.

Dear Readers,
You should read my best friend's blog. She's a genius & an amazing writer.   She's awfully pretty, too:

Then after that, you should follow my blog with bloglovin' over there on the right ---> because Google Friend Connect is going away.


PS: I promise I'll start writing about creative things again soon. Right now I'm too depressed because my mom left.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Molly,
    Thanks for the shout out, and your exaggerated compliments :)
    I can't wait for your etsy store to be up and running!
