Friday, March 22, 2013

dear friday letters

Dear Friday,
I'm disappointed that the while you bring so much joy to others, to me you just bring a long 4 days in a row at work. It's never a good sign when you get a plethora of emails asking for people to pick up shifts.

Dear Blogger,
I guess I'll keep you around a little while longer. You were this close to getting replaced.

Dear iPhone,
I know it was my own fault, but it really hurt when you smacked me in the chin earlier.

Dear Chicago,
Give me my boyfriend back. He's only been gone for like 10 hours and I'm already bored and lonely. And convinced we're about to be robbed (which let's face it, is a lot more likely now that I've admitted to being home alone on the internet).

Dear Baby Names, 
My friends and I have taken to discussing you more than weddings.

Dear J.Crew,
Your 24.99% APR doesn't scare me (ok, maybe it does a little).

Dear Neighborhood,
Please be quiet tonight, I need a decent nights sleep.

Dear Mother Nature, 
 If you snow so much that my mom is unable to come to St. Louis next week, we. will. have. words.

Dear Hospital Gift Shop, 
Thank you for making cute t-shirts so I don't have to wear boring scrubs to work. In fact, Dear Workplace, thank you for allowing this.

Dear Lightroom, 
I still can't figure you out. 


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