Thursday, May 10, 2012

life through instagram: 5/10/12.

 Did ya'll hear that Facebook bought Instagram for One. Billion. Dollars? Apparently I'm not the only one that loves it.
Bella woke up right when I snapped this pic. She's a weirdo and sleeps with her tongue out.
NCLEX is coming...yikes.

What a little munchkin.

All of his favorite chew toys within paws reach...flip flops, computer cords, and my mizzou hat.

Flip flop #2 destroyed. "Who, me?"

Hanging with my cousins.

Albert likes to run around in freshly mowed grass.

If only I was this good all of the time.
What are you Instagramming lately?


  1. A billion?!? Geez! It DOES make all phone pictures look better.
    The pups are looking cute!

  2. A billion dollars?

    Lets invent something...

    Sam can make our patent.

    1. That's what I keep telling him. Patent law is where it's at!
