Sunday, June 5, 2011

blog overhaul and some random thoughts

I recently became slightly more blog savvy and learned out to change some of my now we have the new and improved molly's musings! :)

Some thoughts I have on this sweltering Sunday evening:

I am not a fan of Missouri summers. My better half prefers the warm weather to the winter months, but I am the exact opposite. I feel as if I get hot, then I stay hot until I go to sleep that night. Ironically, these rules don't apply to sleeping...and I sleep with a down comforter, a regular comforter, and a blanket over me.

I hate seeing animals suffer. Newsflash: if you hit your dog for something he did 8 hours prior, he's not going to know why you're hitting him. In fact, you probably shouldn't hit him for something 8 SECONDS earlier. Not mentioning any names.. Speaking of animals suffering, Ms. Bella is sick. I'm not pleased.

I still watch the MTV Movie Awards, because it is HI-larious to watch all of these celebrities make complete and utter fools of themselves. Top of the list tonight: Robert Pattinson.

I need a bigger room. My closet is bursting at the seams, and my bed is no longer sufficient for studying purposes.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new layout! So cute! I spent way too much time playing around with the fonts on mine the other day. And I will probably continue to change things. Where did you get this background? Tots cute.

    And I still watch the MTV Movie Awards as well. The Twilight gang ALWAYS makes asses out of themselves. Kristen Stewart is painful to watch. Rob was not much better this year. Miss you.
