Friday, September 20, 2013

Liebster Award

My sweet friend Cortney over at Our Fishy Family nominated me for a Liebster Award three weeks ago recently, and I'm just now getting to my blog to answer her fun questions! The Liebster Award is given to up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers (or less than 20 in my case ;) ). Thanks, Cortney! Also, hop over to Our Fishy Family to see some ADORABLE pictures of Cortney's two boys and some delicious recipes.

The rules of the award are:
1. Link back to the person who nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the nominator
3. Choose 11 bloggers, each with under 200 followers and nominate them for the award
4. Come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer
5. Contact your nominees and notify them of the award
Here are Cortney's questions:
1. What must you have when going on a road trip?
Candy. I always need some sort of chocolate (ie: Reese's) and ALWAYS Skittles. Also, a lot of water.

2. What was the last movie you saw and how was it?
In theaters? The Way Way Back and it was VERY good. Highly recommend it!

3. What is your biggest accomplishment?
Passing my nursing boards and landing a job at one of the top 10 pediatric hospitals in the the cardiac ICU. No big :). 

4. Who is the most annoying person on t.v.?
Elisabeth Hasselbeck. Do I really need an explanation?
5. You have a roundtrip ticket. Where are you going and who are you taking?
Sam & I are headed somewhere tropical (Hawaii, maybe) for a week or two to celebrate him passing the Bar Exam!
6. If you had to eat only one food for an entire month what would it be?
Pizza. There are so many different varieties! 
7. What is your greatest fear?
My flippant answer to strangers would be deer (I really hate them) but in all seriousness I would say my mom's cancer starting to grow again. 
8. Would you rather have a flawless face or perfect body?
Perfect body. That is why make up was invented. Plus if I'm going to eat pizza every day for a month, a perfect body would help. 
9. Spiders or snakes? Which is worse?
Snakes, they move faster.
10. Do you like to DIY or hire someone else?
DIY! I think hiring someone else takes most of the fun out of it.
11. If you could have a maid, chef, or personal stylist which would you choose and why?
Hmm. I guess I would say personal stylist. I don't mind cooking or cleaning but I never feel like I can put together a good looking outfit. 

My nominees are: 

And here are my questions!

1. What is your favorite season and why?

2. If you are in a hurry in the morning, what can you cut from your morning routine?

3.  How many books did you read last year? What was your favorite?

4. How often do you get your hair cut? 

5. What is your favorite vacation of all time?

6. Ocean or lake?

7. What is the most played song on your iPod?

8. If you could witness any event, past, present, or future, what would it be?

9. If you had to change your first name, what would you pick?

 10. You have 30 minutes of free time! What do you do?

11. What is the worst gift you have ever received?


  1. So glad someone else feels the way I do about Elizabeth Hasselbeck...and pizza.

  2. Several weeks ago I "organized" my bloglovin', and put your blog under friends... and apparently it wasn't showing up on my feed! I just saw this post and your most recent one! Thanks for the nom' :)
