Wednesday, February 26, 2014

lights out

It's no secret to anyone who knows me that I get a little cranky when I have to work a bunch of days in a row. Last week, I worked 4 out of 5 days, and to say that I was irritated when our power went out halfway through the day and I was left without the ability to do the things I needed (wanted) to do on my day off was an understatement.

What's been on my mind for the last few days as I have reflected on our day without power was how lost Sam and I were when the lights went out. My immediate panic was "how am I supposed to get ready for work at 5:30 in the morning," which is legit..but I was more concerned about how my hair would look than anything. It takes the power of a blow dryer to tame the beast.

My not so immediate panic was that Sam and I had NO idea what to do with ourselves. I was hungry, with a headache, and without knowing how long the lights and power would be out, I was afraid to open the refrigerator too much for fear of the food going bad. We just stared at each other as if to say, "well..what now?" It was almost as if we were incapable of even speaking to each other without the use of our electronic gadgets.

After a quick break for a shower and a little bit of caffeine, we decided to go out to dinner and froyo. We hung out for a bit at dinner so I could charge my phone (thanks Noodles & Company), then decided to take a long drive. Luckily, about 10 minutes after we got home, the power came back on. And while the beginning of the night began in frustration, it ended up being a great surprise date night. And it was also a great realization that we don't need electronic gadgets to have a good time :).

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