Tuesday, November 27, 2012

pinterest project {DIY holiday yarn letters}

 Have you seen these super cute yarn letters all over Pinterest?

I loved this the first time I saw it, but as with most things I pin on Pinterest, once it's pinned, I totally forget about it. I decided NOT to do that this holiday season, and I have been making a conscious effort to look at my boards before I make my weekly trip to Michaels (yes, it's weekly. depressing.).

I decided to make my letters spell out "ho ho ho" because honestly, I thought at least the "O" would be easy.. haha!

 I took some cheapo wooden letters from Hobby Lobby ($1 each, holla!),

picked out some yarn (side note, this was wayyyyyyy too much yarn. Anyone need some burgandy/ivory yarn?),
 and got to wrapping! The Hs were easier because you didn't have to cut the yarn to wrap it.

I love it! If you make the picture bigger you can see the corners aren't perfect, but honestly you can't really see them at all.
I put them in this super awkward place above our kitchen sink that needed a little something. It still looks a little bare so I may have to DIY something else to stick up there with it :).

What holiday crafting have you been up to?!


  1. Um...can you come spend a weekend with me at my new house and we can pin the crap out of my house?
    While Sam and JJ watch Lord of the Rings or something!

    1. Why is this even a question!? ABSOLUTELY. Lord of the Rings will take them approximately 23048 hours to watch, so we should be good.
