Wednesday, February 15, 2012

life lately.

Thank goodness for my iPhone. It's the only reason I have any photos of what's going on in my life lately!

So, through the lens of my iPhone...
I got this awesome new hat from j.crew on super clearance. it's so warm and fuzzy and wonderful.

I love pretty clouds and sunsets.

had a night out with some great friends (after a few hours of dancing).

woke up to this cutie staring at me and trying to hold my hand.

had breakfast in the lou with Sam...he was either intensely happy about this or trying to send me a signal about all the pictures I take...probably the former :).

hung out with these babes on a day off from school. they're besties.

I mean how does your heart not melt?

spent a LOT of time in the hospital.
sleepy bellsy

a ridiculous license plate I saw on my way to school.

he *looks* so sweet. he isn't really sweet when he's biting your head while you're trying to sleep.
Okay, yes, I take a lot of pictures of my dogs. I don't care. You know you think they're cute.

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